My 2 cents on Entrepreneurship

Henry Ukoha
Nov 14, 2020

Entrepreneurship is not all beautiful and rosy as most people think. Some want to be entrepreneurs because of the “freedom” — the liberty of answering to no one, or as an opportunity to make more money. But are entrepreneurs really free?

It takes a lot of discipline, perseverance, sacrifice, months, and years of being the only believer of your dreams and aspirations, and could take a long time before you start making real money.

So before you decide to try being one, take your time to know your WHY. Don’t start a business just because you want to be called a CEO. Ask yourself if you’re ready to commit at least 5–10 years of walking an uncertain path (no matter how sound your business model might look) if you’re willing to be misunderstood etc.

Entrepreneurship is tough but agh… You’ve got to be a sucker for pain, you’d need to be willing to grow to the point when you value the process over results cos when reality sets in, believe me, whatever big vision, reason or rosy aspirations that led you to this path becomes irrelevant. And that’s where your true test begins.

No doubt entrepreneurship has its beautiful moments and bright sides, but never jump in just because of that, let impact drive you!


“Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves…

Live the questions. Perhaps then… You will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Only the strong continues.



Henry Ukoha

Management Consultant, Sustainability Analyst, Fledgling Startupper building d next decade of sustainable African startups. I write about startups & lifestyle.